Friday 28 December 2007

Portmarnock Beach Xmas Day 2007 BW

Portmarnock Beach Xmas Day 2007 BW
Originally uploaded by petergriffin_1892.

Another shot from the beach, it may look quite empty but it was actually pretty busy that day. Nice weather for a walk along the shoreline.

Thursday 27 December 2007

High Rock Xmas Swimmers

High Rock Xmas Swimmers
Originally uploaded by petergriffin_1892.

Christmas day always brings some swimmers out to the Irish sea, despite the cold weather. Although this year it was a bright sunny day.

Wednesday 19 December 2007

A bit Quackers...

Originally uploaded by petergriffin_1892.

...Marlay Park, Rathfarnham, Dublin.

Tuesday 11 December 2007


Originally uploaded by petergriffin_1892.

Don't go hungry....Dublin, november 2007...

Sunday 9 December 2007

Mrs Claus

Meet Santa
Originally uploaded by petergriffin_1892.

For an old git who only leaves his house once a year Santa does pretty well.... ;)

Monday 26 November 2007


Originally uploaded by petergriffin_1892.

Piazza Santa Maria in Trastevere, Rome. I think I'm getting obsessed with this kind of image...

Sunday 25 November 2007


Originally uploaded by petergriffin_1892.

I have to say, I found it more impressive from the outside than inside..

Monday 19 November 2007

Colosseum & Couple

Colosseum & couple
Originally uploaded by petergriffin_1892.

Two things I liked about this scene were the couple sitting on the wall, with that backdrop, and the traffic going past. In this case I managed to get one of the city's numerous scooters...

Monday 29 October 2007

Dublin Marathon 2007

Dublin Marathon 2007
Originally uploaded by petergriffin_1892.

Some of the runners in this years race, Templeogue road, Dublin.

Thursday 25 October 2007

Poolbeg Sunrise

Poolbeg Sunrise
Originally uploaded by petergriffin_1892.

Same early start as the last shot - having taken a lot of shots in & around the power station a few weeks back I decided to return for a different view.

Tuesday 23 October 2007

Sandymount Sunrise

Sandymount Sunrise
Originally uploaded by petergriffin_1892.

up early last saturday morning & down to the beach...I'm not sure about the processing on this one though (my sensor is filthy & it took a bit of work to clone out the dust!)

Saturday 20 October 2007


Originally uploaded by petergriffin_1892.

I waited a long, long time to see this band live...and it was the best gig I've ever been to! :)

Manchester Evening News Arena, October 14th 2007

Friday 5 October 2007

The Opera House

The Opera House
Originally uploaded by petergriffin_1892.

An oldie but a goodie! Taken from a seaplane trip over Sydney almost 4 years ago....

Saturday 29 September 2007

Prague Night

Originally uploaded by petergriffin_1892.

The streaks of light on the river are from some of the tour boats that travel up & down the river...

Tuesday 25 September 2007

En Route

En Route
Originally uploaded by petergriffin_1892.

Somewhere over France a British Airways plane passes beneath us...

Sunday 23 September 2007


Originally uploaded by petergriffin_1892.

Amongst all the flash BMW's, Audi's, Mercedes & newer Skodas that can be seen on the streets of Prague I must say that I liked this older model, even if I wouldn't want to own one!

The tram in the background is part of a good network in the city, where public transport is cheap & plentiful.

Saturday 22 September 2007

Alpine View 1

Alpine View 1
Originally uploaded by petergriffin_1892.

I really should pay attention to this blog thing, maybe someone out there is actually reading it! ;)

Anyway..the Alps, from a recent trip to Geneva (work related). It had been a while (9 years) since I'd flown to this part of the world, and the mountains still look amazing. Especially at sunset.

Tuesday 31 July 2007

James Joyce is...

Originally uploaded by petergriffin_1892.

They have literary quotes on the windows of the Gravity Bar high atop the Guinness Storehouse, but I do wonder just how many of the tourists actually bother with reading them....

Monday 30 July 2007

3 Rock Sunset

Originally uploaded by petergriffin_1892.

Looking north towards Dublin from Three Rock Mountain

Friday 20 July 2007


Leopardstown #3
Originally uploaded by petergriffin_1892.

I managed to win some money on this one! :)

Monday 4 June 2007

English Market #3

English Market #3
Originally uploaded by petergriffin_1892.

The recent bad weather has meant that indoor shots have been preferable - this was taken in the fish section of Cork's English Market

Sunday 20 May 2007

Glendalough stream

Glendalough stream
Originally uploaded by petergriffin_1892.

I spent a bit of time out & about around glendalough yesterday - I hadn't been there in years, and it's a great spot for photos.

Monday 14 May 2007

Random Female

Random Female
Originally uploaded by petergriffin_1892.

A random female, for my random photos!

Monday 7 May 2007

Black Cat

Black Cat
Originally uploaded by petergriffin_1892.

This cat visits the back garden occasionally. The real reason I am uploading this one is that it's the first shot I've uploaded from my new camera!

Saturday 28 April 2007

Reichstag Dome

Originally uploaded by petergriffin_1892.

A detail of the interior of the dome. If you want to visit this place, get there early - it's free, but usually very busy!

Thursday 26 April 2007

Parisier Platz Sunset BW

Parisier Platz Sunset BW
Originally uploaded by petergriffin_1892.

Same again, this time with B&W 35mm film. Long shadows & bright light...

Wednesday 25 April 2007

Brandenburger Tor

Brandenburger Tor
Originally uploaded by petergriffin_1892.

A backlit shot of the gate, taken from the Eastern side (Pariser Platz).

Tuesday 24 April 2007

Bloody big tower...

Fernsehturm from below
Originally uploaded by petergriffin_1892.

A lot of things in Berlin impressed me, and it seemed that the Fernsehturm (TV Tower) was visible from almost anywhere in the city. I didn't go up to the observation deck, maybe next time....

Monday 23 April 2007

Polar Bears

Polar Bears
Originally uploaded by petergriffin_1892.

A Polar Bear in Berlin Zoo. I'd gone along to see the baby bear 'Knut' but he was unwell & not on display that day. I felt sorry for the adult bears who seemed to just pace up & down relentlessly. I really don't like Zoo's....

Sunday 22 April 2007

Berlin Wall Tourists

Potsdamer Platz Wall #2
Originally uploaded by petergriffin_1892.

I guess it is strange how these things eventually become a tourist attraction...but it is local & world history...

Thursday 19 April 2007

I have no idea...

I have no idea...
Originally uploaded by petergriffin_1892.

Some kind of environmental protest? Taken on saturday april 14th outside the Reichstag Building in Berlin.

Wednesday 11 April 2007

Run Aground #10

Run Aground #10
Originally uploaded by petergriffin_1892.

A very unusual sight - this fishing boat ran aground on Portmarnock beach & was waiting for high tide to attempt refloating. While i've heard of this happening on the beach I'd never actually seen it until today.

Saturday 7 April 2007


Originally uploaded by petergriffin_1892.

Liverpool as seen from the Mersey Ferry, April 1st 2007. I like the way the new buildings are changing the city's appearance, alongside the familiar waterfront. there's something about it that reminds me of lower Manhattan!

Sunday 18 March 2007

Cafe de Paris

Cafe de Paris
Originally uploaded by petergriffin_1892.

I'll pop this one up as well - again, 300v, 50mm f/1.8 & Fuji Acros 100 B&W film


Originally uploaded by petergriffin_1892.

I'm not taking many photos at the moment, so I'll return to an old favourite shot that I took at a wedding in Italy last year. Fuji Acros 35mm film on a Canon EOS 300v with a 50mm f/1.8 lens.

Saturday 3 March 2007

Barcelona Gothic Street

Barcelona Gothic Street Large
Originally uploaded by petergriffin_1892.

Somewhere in the Barri Gotic, october 2005. It had just rained, the sun was quite low in the sky (late afternoon) and the atmosphere was amzaing all around the city.

Thursday 1 March 2007

Merchants Arch

Merchants Arch
Originally uploaded by petergriffin_1892.

Looking north through the arch onto the Ha'penny bridge. An experiment with shadows & light...

Wednesday 28 February 2007

Rory Gallagher Corner

Rory Gallagher Corner
Originally uploaded by petergriffin_1892.

The replica Fender Strat at Rory Gallagher Corner.

Four Courts Grayscale

Four Courts Grayscale
Originally uploaded by petergriffin_1892.

A shot of the Four Courts from the steps of the Civic Offices. Converted to greyscale.

Sunday 25 February 2007


I saw these two stickers in Dublin today...
Kettle Of Fish


I just thought they were amusing!

Where to start...

Some photos will appear here!'s some I did earlier...

This got a bit of attention over on Flickr & also on TrekEarth so I'm somewhat proud of it :) It's from the Street Performance World Championship in Dublin last year.

I liked the look of this light fitting in Barcelona:

And this one was in Paris last year:
Louvre Pyramid BW