Sunday 28 June 2009


Originally uploaded by petergriffin_1892.

Some people might not like this one ;)

A tiny little spider, in my parent's back garden. On one of their bird feeders to be exact about it. I'm going for one of those bokeh effects, it kind of works...

Tuesday 9 June 2009


Originally uploaded by petergriffin_1892.

Another shot of Glendalough, this time taken from the western end of the valley, above the abandoned miner's village.

There are several walking trails in the valley, I did the Spinc & Glenealo valley trail in the opposite direction to the one recommended in the guide, starting off with the flat section along the northern shore of the upper lake & then heading up along the Spinc boardwalk...

Sunday 7 June 2009

Upper Lake

Upper Lake
Originally uploaded by petergriffin_1892.

Glendalough again, this time from the viewpoint on the Spinc walking trail above the upper lake. Well worth the trek :)