Sunday 28 November 2010


Some images from O'Connell street, Dublin, November 27 2010. Thousands of people took to the streets to protest against the planned bailout of the Irish economy & banking system that many feel will actually leave us worse off as the government will end up increasing taxes and reducing public spending. The cuts will impact quite severely on those who can least afford it:

Protest November 27 2010

Protest November 27 2010

Protest November 27 2010

Protest November 27 2010

Protest November 27 2010

Saturday 13 November 2010

Sketchy's again

Catching up on some old shots from july's dr Sketchy's session:

Sadistic Sedition:

Fizz Sedition:

Kept it simple for both shots with a single flash/brolly setup.

Wednesday 10 November 2010

Lime Street Station

It had been a while since my last visit to Liverpool. There was a time when I used to joke that my 'local' pub was the one next to Anfield stadium, but those days are long gone. Responsibility will do that to you!

Anyway, it was with a slight degree of surprise that I exited Lime Street Station to see that the row of ugly shops and the dire towerblock that had been built in front of the old station had been demolished, replaced by a large 'plaza' of steps and ramps leading into the station. So one of the huge arches now fronts directly onto the street:

Lime Street

It's a great improvement, and nice to see the architectural mistakes of the past being rectified in this way.