Wednesday 30 January 2008

Uluru Waterhole

Uluru waterhole
Originally uploaded by petergriffin_1892.

A waterhole at the base of Uluru (aka Ayer's Rock), Northern Territory Australia.

It's a fascinating place, well worth a visit.

A friend once told me that she thought this photo had an 'erotic' quality to it but I don't get it myself. I won't argue though :)

It's an oldie - and unfortunately it was taken back when I would have had the camera set up to record as many shots as possible, rather than try to get high quality images, so printing it is pretty much out. I've got another version taken on 35mm film but it's not as good...

Sunday 27 January 2008

Howth January 28th 2008

Howth January 28th 2008
Originally uploaded by petergriffin_1892.

Back to Howth today. The wind finally died down this morning so I took a walk up further than the harbour itself.

I like this viewpoint, I'm just not sure about the post-processing, I was messing around with a polariser & a neutral density filter to try to avoid over exposing the sky whilst getting the rocks just right. In the end it took a bit of work on the PC to get it looking right (or almost right). All part of the experimentation & learning process I guess...

I'll come back up here again some morning to get the sunrise...

Thursday 24 January 2008

Jet d'Eau

Jet d'eau
Originally uploaded by petergriffin_1892.

Jumping back in time a few months to a recent business trip to Switzerland (but I managed a few free hours in Geneva, so I took a wander around the city).

I've been to Switzerland a few times, but my only prior experience of Geneva was the airport, so it was nice to get a look at the city itself (actually I've got more photos & must go through them some time).

The Jet d'Eau is a fountain on Lac Leman (Lake Geneva), it's a symbol of the city but is sometimes switched off in certain wind conditions. In fact on this day that's exactly what happened, the fountain was off, then all of a sudden it started up. Apparently the water can reach a height of 140 metres...

Wednesday 23 January 2008

Moore Street - The Next Generation

Moore Street - The Next Generation
Originally uploaded by petergriffin_1892.

Moore street is home to one of Dublin's markets, and is probably the best known of all of them being just off one of the main shopping streets (Henry Street).

Lots of fruit & veg stalls, fishmongers...mostly run by old women who's families have probably traded there for generations.

And that's the sad thing, there really is no one to carry on the tradition & seemingly it's beginning to die out. With that goes a part of Dublin's heritage, and another bit of the city I grew up in fades away forever.

There are plans to redevelop this area of the city centre, and while it'll probably be all nice & shiny it will probably also be pretty bland, solul-less & geared towards commercial gain.

Thursday 17 January 2008

Close Up

Close Up
Originally uploaded by petergriffin_1892.

Bruce Dickinson from Iron Maiden on stage in Dublin, December 2006.

I like this shot a lot, it's actually quite heavily cropped from the original. Bands like Maiden tend to place a huge emphasis on the theatrical side of their show, and Bruce does over a lot of stage (he's quite an aggressive front man, really pushes himself & the crowd).

It's funny that most people have some kind of camera at gigs now, well primarily due to the presence of so many camera phones these days. Looking out at the crowd it was like a sea of LCD screens! So when the band do a slower number it's all light from those phones, as opposed to cigarette lighters like in the old days ;)

Monday 14 January 2008

Dublin Bay 6X17

Dublin Bay 6X17
Originally uploaded by petergriffin_1892.

An attempt at creating a panoramic 'widescreen' shot, cropped to a 17:6 ratio (based on the medium format style). It didn't quite work out the way I want it, and the light was difficult enough to work with. Worth trying aagin though.

I do love this viewpoint, from Howth, looking across Dublin bay.

Tuesday 8 January 2008

You know when you've been Tangoed!

You know when you've been Tangoed!
Originally uploaded by petergriffin_1892.

going back to last summer...while finishing up after the first day of last year's 'People's Photography' exhibition on St. Stephen's Green in Dublin, some people next to our pitch began to dance on the street. An unusal scene for Dublin but it was really nice & added something to the friendly atmosphere of the day!

Monday 7 January 2008

Ireland's Eye Rocks

Ireland's Eye Rocks
Originally uploaded by petergriffin_1892.

Yes it does rock ;)
The early start resulted in some great light, and it is amazing to watch the colours change just as the sun rises. And the fact that the sunrise isn't until about 8.30 AM at this time of year is a great help (I can stay in bed!)

Sunday 6 January 2008

Dublin Bay

Dublin Bay
Originally uploaded by petergriffin_1892.

A ship leaving Dublin Bay this morning, as seen from the top of Howth Head. I liked the colours created by the strong morning sunlight which was still low in the sky.

Thursday 3 January 2008

Charles Bridge (Karlův Most)

Originally uploaded by petergriffin_1892.

Taken from the tower at the city side of the bridge (Old Town Bridge Tower) around dusk. The bridge itself is a constant hive of activity (and a favourite haunt of pickpockets, so be careful!).

Wednesday 2 January 2008

Dancing Building (Fred & Ginger)

Dancing Building (Fred & Ginger)
Originally uploaded by petergriffin_1892.

Back in time a couple of months - this building was designed by Vlado Milunić & Frank O Gehry. It's nickname comes from it's appearance as 'two dancers'.

According to an entry on Wikipedia it's also referred to as the 'Drunk House'!

B&W conversion from digital.