Sunday 27 January 2008

Howth January 28th 2008

Howth January 28th 2008
Originally uploaded by petergriffin_1892.

Back to Howth today. The wind finally died down this morning so I took a walk up further than the harbour itself.

I like this viewpoint, I'm just not sure about the post-processing, I was messing around with a polariser & a neutral density filter to try to avoid over exposing the sky whilst getting the rocks just right. In the end it took a bit of work on the PC to get it looking right (or almost right). All part of the experimentation & learning process I guess...

I'll come back up here again some morning to get the sunrise...

1 comment:

nicola-t said...

Randomly, for a random photo blog, I'll say this. I like this photo and I like the colours on it, obviously the sky looks great and all but I do think that the foreground is somewhat over-powering and distracts from the details like that harbour (?) in the background. Perhaps a crop?