Thursday 25 September 2008


Glendalough Sept 2008
Originally uploaded by petergriffin_1892.

Back to Glendalough, Co. Wicklow for another series of images. This time I felt much more comfortable with my 30D than on my last visit in May 2007.

This photo took a bit of work to get it looking right, the light on the day was a little harsh & becuase of the high ground on either side of the valley it was a lot brighter on the right side of the image. I don't see the point in bringing up the details on the left too much anyway, and at least that nice hazy light on that side is still visible.

Anyway, I really do have an aversion to HDR, I guess it's becuase of the amount of fake looking images that result from the process, but in this case I was happy with the final file. It's merged from two version of the same RAW file, one correctly exposed & the other over-exposed by half a stop.

As for the location itself, well on a sunny day it's hard to be anything but inspired by this place.

But I really should get there early some day for a morning shoot...

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