Wednesday 28 April 2010

Rock n' Roll Star

Rock n' Roll Star
Originally uploaded by petergriffin_1892.

Another shot from the recent session with Sfera. This time I've played around with the colour settings to get a slightly cross-processed feel to the final image.

I really like the wind effect on the hair in these shots, the fan worked really well :)

Sunday 25 April 2010

Guitar Chic(k)

Guitar Chick
Originally uploaded by petergriffin_1892.

Another image from last weekend's shoot.

For this one I got to shoot with model Geraldine Farrell.

I've been a fan of her work for a while so it was nice to finally get to work with her on a project.

Makeup was again provided by Tracey Conlon who did a really top class job on the day (which turned out to be a long one!).

Monday 19 April 2010

Rock Chic(k)

Originally uploaded by petergriffin_1892.

An idea I've had for a while - guitars & girls! I've probably been watching too many old Whitesnake videos or something...

Anyway...last weekend I finally got to put these ideas into action with the help of two models, Sfera & First Hourglass, and MUA Tracey.

Sfera came along to add a more punk/alternative look to the session. Lighting was pretty simple, two strobes either side of the camera and another behind the model with a blue gel for the background light.

More shots to come...

Monday 12 April 2010

Dawn over Dublin

Dawn over Dublin
Originally uploaded by petergriffin_1892.

This certainly was an early start. I arrived at the car park in Killiney at 5:30 AM on a sunday morning(!?) to meet up with Dave for this early morning shoot.

This view is made up of 3 images stitched together, shot at 5.45 just as the first rays of light began to penetrate from the east. The city was still very much asleep although there was a little bit of activity around the port.

An early start - but well worth the effort.

Monday 5 April 2010

New Species...

New Species...
Originally uploaded by petergriffin_1892.

Scientists at NUI Galway have managed to genetically engineer a fish that looks just like a bottle of Buckfast...