Sunday 31 October 2010

Saturday 23 October 2010

Tuesday 19 October 2010


For the final series of images we wanted to look at the idea of something bad happening on the night out. The plan was to show the girl as someone who had probably been in a fight after a night of drink & drug fuelled excess.


All that hedonism takes its toll and leads to the inevitable comedown:


I guess these images are open to interpretation, I don't see the character as a victim although I can see why someone might think that.

Excellent work by Irina Rai once again!

Sunday 17 October 2010

Into the night...

Continuing the recent theme...

Ready for a night out, glammed up and getting into the mood:


And something to help the night go well...


Don't worry, it was talcum powder! :)

Saturday 16 October 2010


I won't go into huge detail on these, but its a continuation of the theme from my last post:



Some fake tattoos were required, Marie did the honours:


Thursday 14 October 2010


It all started with a discussion with Irina about doing a shoot with some fake tattoos and other effects. It developed into a a concept showing a girl getting ready for a night out then leading to the aftermath of a crazy evening, fuelled by drink & drugs!


This is an 'early' shot - lunchtime, maybe even morning, but an early drink. Natural light for this shot.


Same idea for this shot, natural light and me playing around with the focusing on the camera. In both cases I was shooting at the widest possible aperture (f/1.8 for the first shot on a 50mm lens, f/2.8 ay 28mm below) so the depth of field is pretty tight. It didn't really matter for the lower image.

Wednesday 6 October 2010

Metal On Metal

Another month, another Sketchys!

Now I have to declare a huge interest here. I love Heavy Metal and Hard Rock music. Love it, have done for years, ever since I first heard 'Animal' by Def Leppard and realised that this noisy hairy stuff was great. So, when the good ladies of Sketchy's told me the plan for September's Sketchy's session I knew I had to be there :)


Big hair, spandex and great tunes! The 1980's were a wondrous time, Iron Maiden topped the charts, the mullet was an acceptable male haircut and Liverpool won everything.

The models for this session were Dixie Sedition and Fizz Sedition.

In collaboration (once again) with Sedition Industries.

Sunday 3 October 2010

Available Light

My latest collaboration with Irina Rai came about after a discussion we had when setting up our recent beach shoot. Having shown her some of the work I've been doing with Sedition Industries and Dr Sketchy's she asked if we could take some of those influences and come up with an interesting theme, something different for her portfolio. So the challenge was set and off we went...

I'll be uploading more shots as I get through them but to start with I really liked this portrait/profile:

Available Light

Rather than resort to using a flash I decided to take advantage of the soft, natural light coming through the kitchen window. A 'nifty fifty' 50mm f/1.8 lens was chosen (shooting at f/1.8 so the depth of field was pretty tight). And once again the title was inspired by Rush!

Makeup duties were once again provided by Marie Murphy.